The Regulator units are dismantled down to the individual components, ready to be loaded into the ultrasonic cleaner. Where necessary, notes are made on the worksheet for reassembly.
Components are placed in a basket ready to go into the ultrasonic cleaner. The cleaner uses heated cleaning fluids to strip away all the gunk and leaves your regulator parts gleaming! Note the state of this regulator and compare it to the next image!!
Components are placed on absorbent paper to dry. Notice the metal parts are gleaming! Once dry, everything is inspected, and all parts for which it is recommended, are replaced with new parts from a recognised service kit.
Regulator 1st stage in an appalling condition due to lack of, or zero servicing. I’m more contaminated than I look from the outside, yuk I need cleaning! Seriously, would you dive on this reg if you knew it looked like this, bearing in mind this is your lifeline?! SEE NEXT IMAGE...
Here is the same regulator 1st stage in first class condition after being cleaned by ScubaSafe in an ultrasonic cleaner with BIOX the world’s number one regulator and O2 cleaner. Now THATs a regulator you can breathe from!
What can we say? Why would any diver take risks letting their equipment get this bad? Another classic 'before' photo for the hall of shame.